Cosmetic Injectables


Our Perth Skin Boosters help to restore your hyaluronic acid levels, boost radiance and hydration, stimulate collagen production as well as smooth mature skin. Using a patented concentration of hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, we can help prevent premature ageing and replenish the skin for a youthful, healthy glow.

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You have probably heard of hyaluronic acid in skincare, but did you know that this molecule is naturally present in our body and keeps our skin looking hydrated and healthy?

As we age, our natural hyaluronic acid pool depletes significantly, resulting in decreased skin elasticity and thickness.

Our Perth Skin Boosters help to restore your hyaluronic acid levels, boost radiance and hydration, stimulate collagen production as well as smooth mature skin. Using a patented concentration of hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, we can help prevent premature ageing and replenish the skin for a youthful, healthy glow.

This session consists of injecting small quantities of hyaluronic acid solution evenly across the treatment area with a very fine needle, leaving the skin looking dewy, plump and nourished.

Skin Boosters are a great complement for filler and wrinkle-relaxer treatments, or can be used as an alternative for those who are not quite ready to go down this route.

It is a wonderful option to explore before special occasions, as it will quickly rehydrate the skin and give you a pre-event glow.

61% increase in hydration 

60% increase in skin glow

56% increase in elasticity

59% improvement in texture 

Here at Blanc, we love to combine Skin Boosters with Platelet-Rich Plasma to intensify the rejuvenating effects of this treatment.

PRP utilises your body’s own plasma to regenerate and revitalise the skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and improve overall skin texture.

It contains high quantities of fundamental growth factors released by activated platelets, to enhance tissue regeneration, stimulate new collagen production and accelerate overall results.

Hyaluronic acid, Arginine, Glutathione, N-Acetyl-L-Cystine, and alpha-lipoic acid, plus 7 essential amino acids including leucine, isoleucine, valine, glycine, lysine, threonine and proline, as well as vitamin B6, zinc and copper.

Minor bruising and redness may be experienced. You can also expect small bumps at the injection sites (much like tiny mosquito bites), and these will subside in 24-48 hours.

3 sessions, 3 weeks apart is considered ideal. After that, 1 session 3 times per year is recommended for maintenance.

Perth Skin Boosters can help improve skin quality on the face, hands, neck and décolletage.

Initial improvements can be seen immediately, and the skin will appear more radiant, hydrated and supple. Best results will be noticed after the full course of treatments.

Hyaluronic acid is a resorbable molecule and therefore its effects are temporary. The longevity of results depends on several factors including skin type, age, treated area and injection technique. For best result, 3 maintenance sessions per year is recommended.

The micro-injections are shallow and performed with very fine needles. The solution contains local anaesthetic for added comfort, and we can also apply a topical numbing cream if desired.

Discover the Blanc Difference.