Did you make any New Years resolutions as the clock struck midnight? Perhaps you're committing to working out more, saving money or eating healthier, but did you factor in your skin health too?
At Blanc, we're not only committed to helping you achieve your best skin ever, but we need to look after ours too!These are the beauty resolutions we're making for glowing skin in 2021...

"Focus on gut health, be more sun smart and keeping my hands away from my face - no touching or picking!" - Paige
"I want to really increase my water intake and look after my gut health by taking probiotics and a collagen supplement more consistently. I also need to make more time to have OmniLux LED treatments more when I'm in clinic!" - Caroline
"Be really diligent in scheduling in my own dermal treatments and stick to a treatment plan. I also want to commit to using my OmniLux LED mask at home 4 times a week." - Gemma
"Create my own treatment plan and stick to it by booking myself in for regular treatments. I want to focus on collagen boosting and skin regenerating treatments, especially a series of PRP and my favourite treatment, Tribella" - Clara
"In 2021 want to make time to commit to more in-clinic treatments" - Julie-Ann
"I’d like to focus on my gut health as it has always been an issue for me which I constantly avoid! I am resolving to drink more water and less coffee too. I'd also love an OmniLux LED mask to use at home - fingers crossed!" - Steff
"Sort out my pigmentation and melasma issues with a really strict in clinic treatment plan and invest in a really good hat to ward off sun damage. I'd also like to try and go makeup free wherever possible." - Lucy
"This year I want to develop a winter treatment plan such as Nano Fractional to help fade my pigmentation whilst maintaining my skin hydration in the cooler months. I also want to try and avoid the sun to ensure the best results. And drink more water!" - Sam
"I'd love to try Thread Lifts this year! I'm also pledging to drink more water, and get my skin performing at its absolute best with more PRP treatments" - Lisa
"I really want to stick to a routine in 2021 when it comes to my skin. I am going to make sure I have my space organised so I can be on top of my regime. Booking in monthly Dermaplaning and quarterly skin boosting PRP and Dermapen treatments will be part of my plan too." - Hannah