Tips on managing ISO skin

Are you suffering from #isoskin? You are not alone! During times of stress or upheaval, our skin often responds in ways we don't expect. You may have noticed some changes to your skin lately in the form of increased sensitivity, dryness or breakouts.

This is a completely normal reaction to changes in daily routines, increased stress levels, less exercise than usual and perhaps a few extra wines here and there! Our advice?

First of all, don't force it. As we know, when big changes happen, the best thing you can do is to go with the flow and just let your body adjust to this new normal. Blanc's simple solutions are:

Drink up! 
No, we're not talking about another pinot here. Stay hydrated with 8+ glasses of fresh, filtered water every day to keep your body refreshed and to flush any toxins from your system. 

Nourish from the inside out
While it's super tempting to bake another batch of cookies or banana bread, increased sugar levels in the body will have an adverse effect on the skin and quite possibly be responsible for all those pesky spots! Try to keep healthy, low sugar snacks on hand like yoghurt, veggie sticks with hummus or nuts. If you've got the urge to cook, why not get creative with your own low sugar raw balls to keep in the fridge for when that 3pm slump hits?

Eat three, healthy balanced meals each day that are full of fibre, whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables to keep your energy levels high and body full of nutrients which will help feed your skin. 

Chill out 
Take some time out every day to practice some mindfulness or chill out time. There are some wonderful apps available like Calm and Headspace that offer guided meditations which are perfect for these times. Even if you just allow yourself 15-30 minutes per day with a cup of tea, a cozy spot in the sun with no technology, your mind and body will reap the benefits. Increased levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in your system won't do your skin any good, so keep calm however you can.  

Keep moving 
Daily exercise, whether it's a brisk walk, run or an online workout class will bring you so many benefits. We know exercise is great for keeping weight down and toning muscle, but you're also helping to balance hormones, flush toxins, increase energy levels, assist with sleep patterns and decrease stress. 

Feed your skin 
Establish a good skincare routine with at-home products and rituals to keep skin balanced, hydrated and nourished. Our online store is home to so many hardworking heroes that are guaranteed to keep your skin in tip-top shape while you can't visit the clinic for treatments. If your skin needs have changed during isolation, we're here to help guide you on everything you need in your arsenal at the moment. Visit our new online store here. 

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